MWCO Ultrafiltration Spin Columns

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MWCO Ultrafiltration Spin Columns for Pre- and Post- sample preparation and post conjugation clean up.

Sample cleanup, desalting, concentrating centrifugal filters. Simple one-spin function for rapid concentration of samples, and removal of small contaminants (salt, dyes, radioactive labels, and unbound protein and antibodies from Nanoparticle conjugation reactions). Polyethersulfone (PES) membrane for maximum recovery of protein and DNA.

Ultrafiltration spin units offer a simple, one-step procedure for desalting and concentration of proteins and other macromolecules with greater than 90% recovery. Utilizing a molecular weight cut-off polyethersulfone (PES) filter membrane, the spin device is able to retain macromolecules having a greater MW, and filtrate salts and other molecules of smaller MW. Because of low protein/DNA binding properties of the PES filter, loss of the retentate on the filter is minimized. The retentate can be recovered at excellent rate.